Friday, March 20, 2015

Is Weighing Daily Too Obsessive

Well... It depends...  You see I prefer to weigh myself daily because if I don't I tend to pack on the pounds rather rapidly.  I am well aware of my body's typical fluctuations and know that while a one or two pound difference between days is fine a three pound difference means I should look into what I ate and how I exercised the day before.  If there is an obvious cause (the other day I consumed around 1300kcal for dinner alone in pizza and breadsticks, this would be obvious cause) then I am more diligent the following day to correct the problem, if not then I know to prepare for incoming mother nature.  I did not weigh myself at all since mid January and gained over ten pounds.  For me, daily standing on the scale is a good tool.
On the other hand, I have heard several stories of women who become obsessed with wanting rapid results or feeling terrible any time their weight moves away from the "magic number".  I would say decide what you feel is best for you, but if monitoring your weight on a scale leads to stress and anxiety another good method is to have a nice pair of skinny jeans or a tight dress that will fit too tightly if you gain (or loosely if you lose) too much weight.  It's especially handy if you like wearing skirts or leggings regularly because I find that I can gain a lot with looser clothing still fitting me fine, and a lot of my clothing is loose.
Just thought I'd add my two cents on what seems to be a major argument on every fitness outlet I follow lately.

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